Female Fronted Metal: Full Stop | Crimson Crisis (alternative Metal)

Full Stop aus Freiburg spielen Modern Metal! Ob warmes Bier und Schwimmen im Matsch oder schwere Kost wie Homophobie oder Freiheit – mit einer Kombination aus atmosphärischen Klängen und harten, schnellen Riffs gibt Gitarristin Mandy den abwechslungsreichen Texten und eindrucksvollen Gesangspassen von Frontfrau Linda ein starkes Fundament. Der solide Bassteppich von Ritschy gepaart mit dem energiegeladenen Drumset von Heffer spannt einen Rahmen, der überrascht und doch jeden abholt. Eine wilde Mischung aus System of a Down, Bullet for my Valentine und Jinjer – spannend oder?

The quartet from south-west Germany, which came together in 2022, consists of Andrew and Johanna, whose paths crossed when they were both looking for like-minded people. The chemistry between them was right from the start, and once they got going with the first demo songs, there was no stopping them. What began as a duo quickly developed into a quartet when Yannick and Lukas joined the line-up. Driven by the shared vision of creating something unique, they are writing their own musical story. Enter the world of Crimson Crisis – where the intensity of the music builds a bridge to the deepest emotions and every song is a journey through the darker side of life. Here the sounds melt into a powerful unity and become a compass for all those in search of a musical anchor in the tide of life.

Der Eintritt frei – der Hut geht rum.
20:00 Uhr Einlass
ca. 20:30 Uhr Konzertbeginn
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